
The Professional

Music Academy

In Newmarket

In flute class, you learn how to play the flute, which includes:
  • Embouchure: The shape of your mouth when you play the flute. You should aim for a relaxed, neutral position with a round, small opening.
  • Breathing: You’ll learn how to breathe deeply and exhale while making a “too” sound.
  • Producing sound: You’ll learn how to produce sound with the head joint of the flute, which offers less resistance than the full flute.
  • Tonguing: You’ll learn how to move your tongue as if saying “too-too” while blowing.
  • Posture: You’ll learn how to hold your body while playing the flute, as this can affect your sound quality and performance.
  • Fingerings: You’ll learn how to play different fingerings, starting with familiar notes and moving on to less familiar ones.
  • Reading music: You’ll learn how to read music and sight read.

Other skills you might learn include: Rhythm, Tone production, Hand position, and Articulation.